Source code for typhon.physics.metrology

"""Functions related to metrology

All functions in this module need sympy.

# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2019-03-01
# by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and
# Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”.
# Grant agreement: 638822
# All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use
# in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.

import itertools
import warnings

[docs] def express_uncertainty(expr, aliases={}, on_failure="raise", collect_failures=None, return_sensitivities=False, return_components=False, correlated_terms=()): """For a sympy expression, calculate uncertainty. Uncertainty is given in the Guides to Uncertainties and Measurements (GUM), see equations 10 and 13. This takes all free symbols. If you have IndexedBase symbols, you may want to pass them into aliases {free_symbol: indexed_base_symbol[index]} is this is not identified automatically. Arguments: expr (Expr): Expression for which to calculate uncertainty aliases (Mapping): Mapping of replacements to apply prior. on_failure (str): Signals what to do when some variables cannot be differentiated against. This appears to be the case for indexed quantities (see Default is 'raise', but can set to 'warn' instead. collect_failures (set): Pass in a set object where failures will be collected, assuming on_failure is 'warn'. return_sensitivities (boolean): If True, return dictionary with sensitivity coefficients (as expressions). Defaults to False. return_components (boolean): If True, return dictionary with component of evaluated uncertainty per argument/effect. Only considers uncorrelated part (which is the only thing implemented so far anyway). correlated_terms (Sequence[Symbol]): Sequence of symbols for which covariances will be included in the expression. Passing a sequence with less than two elements means no covariances are considered. Returns: Expression indicating uncertainty """ if collect_failures is None: collect_failures = set() import sympy u = sympy.Function("u") rv = sympy.sympify(0) sensitivities = {} components = {} recargs = recursive_args(expr, stop_at=(sympy.Symbol, sympy.Indexed, sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits.ExprWithLimits)) if recargs == set() and expr.args != (): # does not mean uncertainty is zero...! recargs.add(expr) # probably a loose Symbol or Indexed for sym in recargs: if isinstance(sym, sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits.ExprWithLimits): raise ValueError(f"Failed to express uncertainty in {expr!s}. " f"Uncertainty in {sym!s} not supported. You must " "substitute limits and expand summation fully.") sym = aliases.get(sym, sym) try: sigma = sympy.diff(expr, sym) comp = sigma**2 * u(sym)**2 rv += comp sensitivities[sym] = sigma components[sym] = sympy.sqrt(comp) except ValueError as v: if on_failure == "raise" or not "derivative" in v.args[0]: raise else: warnings.warn("Unable to complete derivative on {!s}. " "IGNORING uncertainty on {!s}! Derivative failed with: " "{:s}".format(expr, sym, v.args[0])) collect_failures.add(sym) # add cross-terms following Eq. 13 in the GUM for (sym_i, sym_j) in {x for x in itertools.product(correlated_terms, correlated_terms) if str(x[0])<str(x[-1])}: rv += 2 * sensitivities[sym_i] * sensitivities[sym_j] * u(sym_i, sym_j) unc = sympy.sqrt(rv) if return_sensitivities and return_components: return (unc, sensitivities, components) elif return_sensitivities: return (unc, sensitivities) elif return_components: return (unc, components) else: return unc
[docs] def recursive_args(expr, stop_at=None, partial_at=None): """Get arguments for `expr`, stopping at certain types Get all arguments in expression down to the levels in `expr`. When `expr` is only `{sympy.Symbol}` this is identical to `expr.free_symbols`, but in some cases we want to retain IndexedBase, for example, when evaluating uncertainies. This is mainly a helper for express_uncertainty where we don't want to descend beyond Indexed quantities """ import sympy import sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits if stop_at is None: stop_at = (sympy.Symbol, sympy.Indexed) if partial_at is None: partial_at = sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits.ExprWithLimits if isinstance(expr, stop_at): # to return {expr} here leads to infinite recursion! return set() if isinstance(expr, partial_at): return recursive_args(expr.args[0]) args = set() for arg in expr.args: if isinstance(arg, stop_at): args.add(arg) elif isinstance(arg, partial_at): # in the case arg.args[0] is a stop_at, recursive_args will # return empty; but then we still need to add the expression a # level higher up. For example, support we have # arg=Sum(T_PRT[n], (n, 0, N)), then arg.args[0]=T_PRT[n], # recursive_args(arg.args[0]) = set() (if sympy.Indexed is in # stop_at, such as by default), and neither gets added. # We should also make sure that any variable that is summed # over (stored in arg.args[1][0]) is excluded in any case. args.update(( {arg.args[0]} if isinstance(arg.args[0], stop_at) else set()) | (recursive_args(arg.args[0], stop_at=stop_at) - {arg.args[1][0]})) else: args.update(recursive_args(arg, stop_at=stop_at)) return args