Source code for typhon.utils.common

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Miscellaneous convenience functions.

import ast
import functools
import operator
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import collections
import itertools
from numbers import Number
import traceback

from warnings import warn
from functools import (partial, wraps)

import xarray
import pandas
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

[docs] def deprecated(func=None, new_name=None, message=None): """Decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. Examples: Calling ``foo()`` will raise a ``DeprecationWarning``. >>> @deprecated ... def deprecated_function(): ... pass Display message with additional information: >>> @deprecated(message='Additional information message.') ... def deprecated_function(): ... pass """ # Return partial when no arguments are passed. # This allows a plain call of the decorator. if func is None: return partial(deprecated, new_name=new_name, message=message) # Build warning message (with optional information). msg = f'\nCall to deprecated function `{func.__name__}`.' if new_name is not None: msg += f' Use `{new_name}` instead.' if message is not None: msg += f'\n{message}' # Wrapper that prints the warning before calling the deprecated function. @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*args, **kwargs) if wrapper.__doc__ is None: wrapper.__doc__ = '' # Lines added to the docstring need to be indented with four spaces as this # is technically the case for all lines except the first one. # If this is not done, the Sphinx build will produce wrong results as the # relative indentation of the added lines and the original docstring does # not match. wrapper.__doc__ += ( '\n\n .. warning::\n Function is deprecated' ' and will be removed in a future version.' ) if new_name is not None: wrapper.__doc__ += f' Use :func:`{new_name}` instead.' if message is not None: wrapper.__doc__ += f'\n\n {message}' return wrapper
[docs] def extract_block_diag(M, n): """Extract diagonal blocks from square Matrix. Args: M (np.array): Square matrix. n (int): Number of blocks to extract. Example: >>> foo = np.array([[ 1., 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 1., 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 0., 0., 2., 2.], ... [ 0., 0., 2., 2.]]) >>> extract_block_diag(foo, 2) [array([[ 1., 1.], [ 1., 1.]]), array([[ 2., 2.], [ 2., 2.]])] """ return [np.split(m, n, axis=1)[i] for i, m in enumerate(np.split(M, n))]
# This code, or a previous version thereof, was posted by user 'J. F. # Sebastian' on on 2012-03-04 # and is dual-licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and MIT, as confirmed at # # on 2017-07-07 operators = {ast.Add: operator.add, ast.Sub: operator.sub, ast.Mult: operator.mul, ast.Div: operator.truediv, ast.Pow: operator.pow, ast.BitXor: operator.xor, ast.USub: operator.neg}
[docs] def safe_eval(expr): """Safely evaluate string that may contain basic arithmetic """ return _safe_eval_node(ast.parse(expr, mode="eval").body)
def _safe_eval_node(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> return operators[type(node.op)]( _safe_eval_node(node.left), _safe_eval_node(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1 return operators[type(node.op)](_safe_eval_node(node.operand)) else: raise TypeError(node) # End of snippet derived from
[docs] def unique(seq): """Remove duplicates from list whilst keeping the original order Notes: If you do not care about keeping the order, use this code: >>>> list(set([0, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1,])) [0, 1, 2, 3, 5] This code is taken from Args: seq: A sequence (list, etc.) of elements. Returns: A list with unique items with original order. Examples: >>>> unique([0, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1,]) """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
[docs] def path_append(dirname, path='PATH'): """Append a directory to environment path variable. Append entries to colon-separated variables (e.g. the system path). If the entry is already in the list, it is moved to the end. A path variable is set, if not existing at function call. Parameters: dirname (str): Directory to add to the path. path (str): Name of the path variable to append to. Defaults to the system path 'PATH'. """ if path in os.environ: dir_list = os.environ[path].split(os.pathsep) if dirname in dir_list: dir_list.remove(dirname) dir_list.append(dirname) os.environ[path] = os.pathsep.join(dir_list) else: os.environ[path] = dirname
[docs] def path_prepend(dirname, path='PATH'): """Prepend a directory to environment path variable. Append entries to colon-separated variables (e.g. the system path). If the entry is already in the list, it is moved to the end. A path variable is set, if not existing at function call. Parameters: dirname (str): Directory to add to the path. path (str): Name of the path variable to append to. Defaults to the system path 'PATH'. """ if path in os.environ: dir_list = os.environ[path].split(os.pathsep) if dirname in dir_list: dir_list.remove(dirname) dir_list.insert(0, dirname) os.environ[path] = os.pathsep.join(dir_list) else: os.environ[path] = dirname
[docs] def path_remove(dirname, path='PATH'): """Remove a directory from environment path variable. Remove entries from colon-separated variables (e.g. the system path). If the path variable is not set, nothing is done. Parameters: dirname (str): Directory to add to the path. path (str): Name of the path variable to append to. Defaults to the system path 'PATH'. """ if path in os.environ: dir_list = os.environ[path].split(os.pathsep) dir_list.remove(dirname) os.environ[path] = os.pathsep.join(dir_list)
[docs] def get_time_dimensions(ds): """From a xarray dataset or dataarray, get dimensions corresponding to time coordinates """ return {k for (k, v) in ds.coords.items() if k in ds.dims and v.dtype.kind == "M"}
[docs] def get_time_coordinates(ds): """From a xarray dataset or dataarray, get coordinates with at least 1 time dimension """ time_dims = get_time_dimensions(ds) return {k for (k, v) in ds.coords.items() if set(v.dims)&time_dims}
# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2017-03-01 # by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and # Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”. # Grant agreement: 638822. This specifically applies to the function # concat_each_time_coordinate. # # All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use # in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.
[docs] def concat_each_time_coordinate(*datasets): """Concatenate xarray datasets along each time coordinate Given two or more xarray datasets, concatenate seperately data variables with different time coordinates. For example, one might have dimensions 'scanline' and 'calibration_cycle' that are each along time coordinates. Data variables may have dimension either scanline or calibration_cycle or neither, but not both. Both correspond to coordinates a datetime index. Ordinary xarray.concat along either dimension will broadcast the other one in a way similar to repmat, thus exploding memory usage (test case for one FCDR HIRS granule: 89 MB to 81 GB). Instead, here, for each data variable, we will concatenate only along at most one time coordinate. Arguments: *datasets: xarray.Dataset objects to be concatenated """ time_coords = get_time_coordinates(datasets[0]) time_dims = get_time_dimensions(datasets[0]) # ensure each data-variable has zero or one of those time coordinates # as dimensions for ds in datasets: if not all([len(set(v.dims) & time_coords) <= 1 for (k, v) in ds.data_vars.items()]): raise ValueError("Found vars with multiple time coords") new_sizes = {k: sum(g.dims[k] for g in datasets) if k in time_coords else datasets[0].dims[k] for k in datasets[0].dims.keys()} # note data vars per time coordinate time_vars = {k: (set(v.dims)&time_coords).pop() for (k, v) in datasets[0].variables.items() if set(v.dims)&time_coords} time_vars_per_time_dim = {k: {vn for (vn, dn) in time_vars.items() if dn==k} for k in time_coords} untimed_vars = datasets[0].data_vars.keys() - time_vars.keys() # allocate new new = xarray.Dataset( {k: (v.dims, np.zeros(shape=[new_sizes[d] for d in v.dims], dtype=v.dtype)) for (k, v) in datasets[0].data_vars.items()}) # coordinates cannot be set in the same way so need to be allocated # separately new_coords = {k: xarray.DataArray( np.zeros(shape=[new_sizes[d] for d in v.dims], dtype=datasets[0][k].dtype), dims=v.dims) for (k, v) in datasets[0].coords.items()} # copy over untimed vars for v in untimed_vars: new[v].values[...] = datasets[0][v].values # and untimed coords for c in datasets[0].coords.keys() - time_coords: new_coords[c][...] = datasets[0].coords[c] # keep track of progress per time dimension n_per_dim = dict.fromkeys(time_coords, 0) # copy timed vars dataset by dataset for ds in datasets: for (v, timedim) in time_vars.items(): ncur = n_per_dim[timedim] nnew_cur = ds.dims[timedim] if nnew_cur == 0: # nothing to fill, but prevent # continue slc = {dim: slice(ncur, ncur+nnew_cur) if dim==timedim else slice(None) for dim in ds[v].dims} if v in time_coords: # time coordinate new_coords[v][slc] = ds[v] else: new[v].loc[slc] = ds[v] for timedim in time_dims: n_per_dim[timedim] += ds.dims[timedim] # copy attributes new.attrs.update(**datasets[0].attrs) for k in new.variables.keys(): new[k].attrs.update(**datasets[0][k].attrs) new[k].encoding.update(**datasets[0][k].encoding) return new.assign_coords(**new_coords)
[docs] def undo_xarray_floatification(ds, fields=None): """convert floats back to ints in xarray dataset where appropriate When xarray opens a NetCDF file with the default decode_cf=True, any integer values that have a _FillValue set are converted to float, such that any _FillValue-set values can be set to nan. Some datasets may have such _FillValue set even though they are never used. In this case, it may be desirable to convert those values back to the original dtype (which is preserved in the .encoding attribute), for example, when those integers are intended to be used as indices. This function takes an xarray Dataset, checks all the variables which originally have an integer dtype and a fillvalue set, and converts those back to int. Optionally only a subset of those is converted. Use this function only when those fill values are not used. Behaviour when fill values are actually used is undefined. Parameters: ds (xarray.Dataset): xarray dataset to be converted. Will be copied. fields (Collection or None): Describes what fields shall be converted. If not given or None (default), convert all fields that were originally ints but converted to float due to having a _FillValue set. Even when given, only fields meeting those criteria will be converted. Returns: The same dataset but with changes as described above. """ to_correct = {k for (k, v) in ds.data_vars.items() if v.encoding.get("dtype", np.dtype("O")).kind[0] in "ui" and not v.dtype.kind in "uiMm"} # don't convert datetime/deltas if fields is not None: to_correct &= fields ds2 = ds.copy() for k in to_correct: ds2[k] = ds[k].astype(ds[k].encoding["dtype"]) ds2[k].encoding.update(ds[k].encoding) return ds2
[docs] def image2mpeg(glob, outfile, framerate=12, resolution='1920x1080'): """Combine image files to a video using ``ffmpeg``. Notes: The function is tested for ``ffmpeg`` versions 2.8.6 and 3.2.2. Parameters: glob (str): Glob pattern for input files. outfile (str): Path to output file. The file fileformat is determined by the extension. framerate (int or str): Number of frames per second. resolution (str or tuple): Video resolution given in width and height (``"WxH"`` or ``(W, H)``). Raises: Exception: The function raises an exception if the underlying ``ffmpeg`` process returns a non-zero exit code. Example: >>> image2mpeg('foo_*.png', 'foo.mp4') """ if not shutil.which('ffmpeg'): raise Exception('``ffmpeg`` not found.') # If video resolution is given as tuple, convert it into string format # to directly pass it to ffmpeg later. if isinstance(resolution, tuple) and len(resolution) == 2: resolution = '{width}x{height}'.format(width=resolution[0], height=resolution[1]) p = ['ffmpeg', '-framerate', str(framerate), '-pattern_type', 'glob', '-i', glob, '-s:v', resolution, '-c:v', 'libx264', '-profile:v', 'high', '-crf', '20', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-y', outfile ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True ) # If the subprocess fails, raise exception including error message. if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception(p.stderr)
[docs] def stack_xarray_repdim(da, **dims): """Like xarrays stack, but with partial support for repeated dimensions The xarray.DataArray.stack method fails when any dimension occurs multiple times, as repeated dimensions are not currently very well supported in xarray (2018-03-26). This method provides a workaround so that stack can be used for an array where some dimensions are repeated, as long as the repeated dimensions are themselves not stacked. Parameters: da (DataArray): DataArray to operate on. **dims: Dimensions to stack. As for xarray.DataArray.stack. """ # make view of da without repeated dimensions cnt = collections.Counter(da.dims) D = {k: itertools.count() for k in cnt.keys()} tmpdims = [] dimmap = {} for dim in da.dims: if cnt[dim] == 1: tmpdims.append(dim) else: newdim = "{:s}{:d}".format(dim, next(D[dim])) tmpdims.append(newdim) dimmap[newdim] = dim da2 = xarray.DataArray(da.values, dims=tmpdims) da2_stacked = da2.stack(**dims) # put back repeated dimensions with new coordinates da3 = xarray.DataArray(da2_stacked.values, dims=[dimmap.get(d, d) for d in da2_stacked.dims]) da3 = da3.assign_coords( **{k: pandas.MultiIndex.from_product( [da.coords[kk] for kk in dims[k]], names=dims[k]) if k in dims else da.coords[k] for k in np.unique(da3.dims)}) return da3
[docs] def split_units(value): """Splits a string into float number and potential unit References Taken from Args: value: String with number and unit. Returns A tuple of a float and unit string. Examples: >>> split_units("2GB") (2.0, 'GB') >>> split_units("17 ft") (17.0, 'ft') >>> split_units(" 3.4e-27 frobnitzem ") (3.4e-27, 'frobnitzem') >>> split_units("9001") (9001.0, '') >>> split_units("spam sandwhiches") (0, 'spam sandwhiches') >>> split_units("") (0, '') """ units = "" number = 0 while value: try: number = float(value) break except ValueError: units = value[-1:] + units value = value[:-1] return number, units.strip()
[docs] def reraise_with_stack(func): """Make functions include the whole stack in raised exceptions Notes: This is a decorator function. When using the concurrent.futures module, the original traceback message gets lost, which makes it difficult to debug. This decorator solves the problem. References: Taken from """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: traceback_str = traceback.format_exc() raise Exception( "Error occurred. Original traceback is\n%s\n" % traceback_str ) return wrapped
[docs] def get_xarray_groups(dataset, only_names=False): """Get pseudo groups from xarray dataset object (only direct under root) xarray.Dataset objects does not allow the use of groups, but you can emulate them by using */* in the variable's name. Args: dataset: A xarray.Dataset object only_names: Return only the names of the groups. Returns: A set of group names if `only_names` is True. Otherwise, a dictionary with the group names and all its variables as xarray.Datasets objects. """ groups = { var_name.split("/", 1)[0] for var_name in dataset.variables if "/" in var_name } if only_names: return groups return { group: get_xarray_group(dataset, group) for group in groups }
def get_xarray_group(dataset, group): """Get pseudo group from xarray.Dataset Args: dataset: A xarray.Dataset object with pseudo groups. group: The name of the group (can also be a subgroup). Returns: A xarray.Dataset with the pseudo group. """ if not group.endswith("/"): group += "/" group_vars = [ var for var in dataset.variables if var.startswith(group) ] if not group_vars: raise KeyError(f"The group {group} was not found!") return dataset[group_vars] def add_xarray_groups(ds, **kwargs): """Add a xarray.Dataset as a subgroup to another xarray.Dataset Args: ds: The root xarray.Dataset. **kwargs: Keyword arguments: the key is the name of the group and the value must be a xarray.Dataset. Returns: `ds` with the added subgroups """ datasets = [ds] for group_name, group in kwargs.items(): group = group.rename( { var_name: "/".join([group_name, var_name]) for var_name in group.variables }, ) # Add the group name also to the dimensions: group = group.rename({ dim: "/".join([group_name, dim]) for dim in group.dims if dim not in group.coords }) datasets.append(group) return xarray.merge(datasets) def to_array(item): """Convert item to numpy array Args: item: Can be a number, list, tuple or numpy array. Returns: `item` converted to a numpy array. """ if isinstance(item, np.ndarray): return item if isinstance(item, Number): return np.array([item]) else: return np.array(item)