
typhon.plots.plot_ppath(ppath, planetary_radius=1, lat_is_x=True, scale_alt=1000, ax=None)[source]

Return the ARTS Ppath plotted on the surface

  • ppath – (Ppath or Workspace) Propagation path or Wosrkspace with the path

  • planetary_radius – (Numeric) Spherical radius of the planetary body (if ppath_field is not Workspace)

  • lat_is_x – (Boolean) Have lat or lon act as the x-coordinate?

  • scale_alt – (Numeric) Divide altitude and planetary_radius by this value

  • ax – (AxesSubplot) axes to plot into. Assumes polar projection. If None, creates a plt.figure(projection=’polar’) and draws on its axis

  • Example

    >>> arts = typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace()
    >>> ###################################################
    >>> # Run ARTS simulation that sets an external ppath #
    >>> ###################################################
    >>> plot_ppath(arts)