
This module provides functions related to plot or to plot data.

center_colorbar(cb[, center])

Center a diverging colorbar.

channels(met_mm_backend[, ylim, ax])

Plot instrument channels for passband-type sensors.

cmap2act(cmap[, filename, N])

Export colormap to Adobe Color Table file.

cmap2c3g(cmap[, filename, N])

Export colormap ass CSS3 gradient.

cmap2cpt(cmap[, filename, N])

Export colormap to cpt file.

cmap2ggr(cmap[, filename, N])

Export colormap as GIMP gradient.

cmap2rgba([cmap, N, interpolate])

Convert a colormap into a list of RGBA values.

cmap2txt(cmap[, filename, N, comments])

Export colormap to txt file.

cmap_from_act(file[, name])

Import colormap from Adobe Color Table file.

cmap_from_txt(file[, name, N, comments])

Import colormap from txt file.

colored_bars(x, y[, c, cmap, vmin, vmax, ax])

Plot a colorized series of bars.

colors2cmap(*args[, name])

Create a colormap from a list of given colors.

figsize(w[, portrait])

Return a figure size matching the golden ratio.


Get efficient (nrow, ncol) for n subplots

get_material_design(name[, shade])

Return material design colors.

heatmap(x, y[, bins, bisectrix, ax])

Plot a heatmap of two data arrays.


Creates hectopascal labels for pascal input.

HectoPascalLogFormatter([base, ...])

Creates logarithmic hectopascal labels for pascal input.

label_axes([axes, labels, loc])

Walks through axes and labels each.

plot_bitfield(ax, X, Y, bitfield, flag_dict, ...)

Plot a bitfield of categories with pcolor

plot_distribution_as_percentiles(ax, x, y[, ...])

Plot the distribution of y vs.

profile_p(p, x[, ax])

Plot atmospheric profile against pressure in linear space.

profile_p_log(p, x[, ax])

Plot atmospheric profile against pressure in log space.

profile_z(z, x[, ax])

Plot atmospheric profile of arbitrary property against height (in km).

ScalingFormatter([scaling, fmtstr])

Provide a ticklabel formatter that applies scaling.

scatter_density_plot_matrix([M, hist_kw, ...])

Plot a scatter density plot matrix

set_colorbar_limits(cb[, vmin, vmax])

Set colorbar limits.

set_xaxis_formatter(formatter[, ax])

Set given formatter for major and minor xticks.

set_yaxis_formatter(formatter[, ax])

Set given formatter for major and minor yticks.

sorted_legend_handles_labels([ax, key, reverse])

Sort legend labels and handles.


Handle matplotlib stylesheets shipped with typhon.

supcolorbar(mappable[, fig, right, rect])

Create a common colorbar for all subplots in a figure.

plot_ppath(ppath[, planetary_radius, ...])

Return the ARTS Ppath plotted on the surface

plot_ppath_field(ppath_field[, ...])

Return the ARTS Ppath plotted on the surface


Return the minimum and maximum of all pos variables of ppath_field

adjust_ppath_field_box_by_minmax(axes, ...)

Adjusts the axis of plotted ppath_field to


Plots the zenith angle coverage of a ppath_field for all the altitudes in the field.

Typhon named colors

Typhon provides a number of named colors that can be used after importing typhon.plots:

>>> plt.plot(x, y, color='ty:uhh-red')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Typhon style sheet

Typhon provides a number of style sheets that can be used to alter the default appearance of matplotlib plots.


(Source code)


Fig. 13 (png, hires.png, pdf)


Fig. 14 (png, hires.png, pdf)


Fig. 15 (png, hires.png, pdf)